Directions to Bar TRIO
Hi Y'all,
We will have nice party "bottoms up for creators" at BAR TRIO tomorrow.
Bar Trio is comfortable bar, Mr. Yuichi of the owner is familiar and generous.
He support our event. I really appreciate it.
Fortunately many kind of participants will join us. I'm so excited.
For those who are coming to Bottoms Up for creators, our event this Sat, here is direction with photos to the venue, Bar Trio. only 3 min walk from Fudomae Station.
go out the ticket wicket
Go straight and diagonally to the right
When you turn right round. you should have this view
Walk toward the sign of Mcdonalds
There is 7 eleven at left side
Go straight. you can see Maruetsu(super market)
There is ”わたなべ整骨院”in front of Trio
"わたなべ整骨院" is next to Pattisserie Sakai
You can see BAR TRIO on street right side
Bar TRIO is next to pharmacy(不動前グリーンファーマシー
Open the door and climb down stairs
International creative Party "Bottoms up for creators"
[Date] Aug 27th(sat)
【Time】: 5pm-9pm 【Joining fee】:Free 500Yen 1drinks
【Access】 : 3 min walk from Fudomae(不動前) Station on Tokyu Meguro Lines 【Venue】 Bar Trio Nishi-gotanda 5-9-6, Shinagawa ku, Tokyo, Japan (Yazaki building B1 Floor) Map of Bar Trio
Time Schedule
5PM-6PM Free time
6PM Opening Remarks Toast
6:15-6:30PM Self-introduction and Presentation using screen 1. Masaki Hamano 2. Yujin Koyama 3. William Meara
6:30PM Self-introduction by participants
7:00PM Break time
7:20PM Creative Activity(Group discussion)
8:00PM Networking DJ Time
9:00PM Wrap up
We will be able to drink in the bar after 9PM.